Following Public Holidays for the calendar year 2019 have been notified under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Factories Act 2013, to be observed by workers in the Industrial and Commercial Establishments throughout the Province.
05th February, 2019 (Kashmir Solidarity Day) to be observed as public Holiday by the workers employed in the industrial and commercial establishments throughout the Province.
12th Rabiul Awal (21st November, 2018) will be a holiday, to be observed by the Workers in the Industrial and Commercial Establishment throughout the Province.
For information of all concerned that 20th and 21st September, 2018 (Thursday & Friday) will be public holiday to be observed by workers employed in industrial and commercial establishments throughout the province.
1st Muharram Ul Haram (12th September, 2018) Government of KP has notified 1st Moharram Ul Haram (12th September, 2018) as public holiday in the province. Notification under KP Factories Act, 2013 is posted herewith for information and compliance of all concerned.
*EID HOLIDAYS* The Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has announced three (03) days holiday (21-23 August 2018) to be observed by the workers of Industrial & Commercial Establishments throughout the province on account of Eid-Ul-Azha 2018.